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Ways you can donate

You are invited to be a "witness for Christ" in Central Appalachian Missionary Conference through financial support of our ministries.

Each entity in Central Appalachian Missionary Conference has a separate Advance Special number.

The Churches & Outreach Ministries
Advance Special number is #773978.
Gifts can channeled through your Conference Treasurer, using this number.

Check out other ways to give both now and in the future.

About the Advance...
The Advance for Christ and His Church ("the Advance") is an official program of The United Methodist Church for voluntary, designated, second-mile financial giving. Through the advance, United Methodist annual conferences, districts, local churches, and organizations (United Methodist Women give through pledges and supplemental gifts). Individuals and families may choose to support particular, approved mission programs or personnel with their financial gifts. The Advance is "designated giving" because it gives donors an opportunity to select specific mission programs or persons. The Advance is "second-mile giving" because in The United Methodist Church, the first mile (priority) is for local churches to support World Service and other apportioned funds. Learn more about the Advance at the General Board of Global Ministries website.

By Check

Please make your check out to Red Bird Missionary Conference. 


Checks can be sent to: 

P.O. Box 88

Big Creek, KY 40914


We are thankful and grateful for you support!

Over the Phone

Got questions on how to give? Please call us and we will happily help!





By Email

Contact us via email and we will happily guide you with how best to support our ministry!




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